Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Cyber crime branch on Thursday arrested one more member of the gang involved in duping a woman of Rs 90,000 while posing as a known person and asking for cash for an emergency situation. As per reports, a woman received a call from a person who claimed knowing her.
After gaining her confidence, the caller asked the woman to transfer Rs 90,000 in his bank account for dealing with an emergency situation. An FIR was registered against the unidentified cyber fraudsters on her complaint. Following investigations, cyber crime branch arrested Deepak Sharma (40) of Bairagarh who was the holder of one of the bank accounts used in the cyber frauds.
Additional DCP(crime) Shailendra Singh Chauhan said On Thursday, cyber crime branch team arrested Parv Prajapati (25) from Narsinghpur. Prajapati is also the holder of one of the bank accounts used in the cyber fraud with the woman. Questioning from Prajapati revealed that he and Deepak had sold their bank accounts to cyber conmen in return of commission.