Today, Tuesday, January 7, 2025, is the Ashtami date of Shukla Paksha of Pausha month. This Tithi will last till 4:27 pm, after which Navami Tithi will start. On this day, Moon will be situated in Pisces and there will be influence of Revati Nakshatra. Also, an auspicious combination of Shiva Yoga is taking place.
Talking about the auspicious time of the day, Abhijeet Muhurta will be from 12:06 pm to 12:47 pm. At the same time, Rahukaal will be from 3:01 pm to 4:18 pm. During this period one should avoid doing any auspicious work.
Almanac: Basis for calculation of time and period
The Hindu calendar, also known as the Vedic calendar, is composed of five main parts:
- date
- constellation
- wise
- sum
- Karan
Through Panchang, information about date, time, position of planets, sunrise-sunset time and auspicious-inauspicious periods is obtained.
Auspicious time of 07 January 2025
auspicious time | Time |
Ashtami Tithi End: | Till 4:27 pm. |
Shiva Yoga: | Till 11:16 pm. |
Revati Nakshatra: | Till 5:50 pm. |
Amrit Kaal: | From 6:06 am to 7:42 am. |
Twilight time: | From 6:23 pm to 7:25 pm. |
Vijay Muhurta: | From 2:23 pm to 3:25 pm. |
Nishith Muhurat: | From 11:41 pm to 12:20 am. |
wee hours: | From 4:03 am to 5:08 am. |
Rahukaal timings (city wise)
City | Rahukaal time |
Delhi | From 3:03 pm to 4:21 pm. |
Mumbai | From 3:30 pm to 4:53 pm. |
Chandigarh | From 3:03 pm to 4:19 pm. |
Lucknow | From 2:50 pm to 4:09 pm. |
Bhopal | From 3:08 pm to 4:28 pm. |
Kolkata | From 2:25 pm to 3:46 pm. |
Ahmedabad | From 3:27 pm to 4:48 pm. |
Chennai | From 3:06 pm to 4:31 pm. |
sunrise and sunset time
- Sunrise: 7:14 am.
- Sunset: 5:39 pm.
Usefulness of Almanac
In Hinduism, Panchang is used for auspicious functions such as marriage, house warming, naming ceremony, and other religious rituals. Today is considered especially auspicious due to Shiva Yoga and Revati Nakshatra.