Today is 02 January 2024, Thursday. This day will start with Tritiya Tithi of Shukla Paksha of Paush month, which will last till 01:09 am. After this Chaturthi Tithi will start. On this day, Moon is transiting in Capricorn, and Shravan Nakshatra will be effective. Along with this, an auspicious combination of Harshan Yoga is being formed. Let us know the auspicious time, Rahukaal, and other important times of this day.
Almanac of 02 January 2024
ephemeral elements | Timings and details |
date | Tritiya (till 01:09 pm), Chaturthi will be held |
constellation | Shravan (till 11:11 pm) |
sum | Harshan (by 02:58 pm) |
sunrise | 07:13 am |
sunset | 05:35 pm |
Auspicious time of 02 January 2024
auspicious time | Time |
immortality period | 06:06 AM to 07:42 AM |
twilight time | 06:23 PM to 07:25 PM |
Vijay Muhurta | 02:23 PM to 03:25 PM |
Nishith period | 11:41 pm to 12:20 am |
wee hours | 04:03 am to 05:08 am |
Rahukaal of 02 January 2024
One should avoid doing auspicious work during Rahukaal.
City | Rahukaal time |
Delhi | 01:43 pm to 03:00 pm |
Mumbai | 02:25 pm to 03:28 pm |
Chandigarh | 01:43 pm to 03:00 pm |
Lucknow | 01:29 pm to 02:47 pm |
Bhopal | 01:44 pm to 03:05 pm |
Kolkata | 01:01 pm to 02:22 pm |
Ahmedabad | 02:04 pm to 03:24 pm |
Chennai | 01:38 pm to 03:03 pm |
Importance of Panchang and Hindu Astrology
to the Hindu calendar Vedic Almanac Also known as. It is made up of five parts like Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana and Vaar. Accurate calculation of time and period is done through Panchang.
What information is available from Panchang?
- auspicious and inauspicious time
- Rahukaal and Abhijeet Muhurta
- sunrise and sunset time
- Position of planets and stars
Major Yogas and Nakshatras of the day
- Harshana Yoga: Favorable for auspicious works.
- Shravan Nakshatra: Best for religious and spiritual purposes.